據IMS Research的最新數字顯示,光伏組件出貨量在第二季度達到3.7GW,產生71億美元的收入。 這是連續第五個季度組件出貨量持續增加,根據市場研究公司。 太陽能電池組件出貨量預計還要增加并在第三季度達到4.3GW。 然而,IMS的研究指出該組件First Solar出貨量在第五個季度份額下降。它與它的多晶硅競爭對手的差距進一步拉開,到2011年擴展能力會很有限。
IMS Research還指出,中國最大的五個組件制造商(尚德,天合光能,英利,阿特斯太陽能和Solarfun),他們的市場需求會進一步增加,五大制造商全球出貨量總份額的在第一季度將會占到28%。
在2010年光伏組件商的出貨量將增長60%,而預計First Solar今年出貨只增加20%。
According to the latest figures from IMS Research, PV module shipments reached 3.7GW in the second quarter and generated US$7.1 billion in revenues. This was the fifth consecutive quarter for increased module shipments, according to the market research firm. Solar module shipments are forecast to increase again in the third quarter, reaching a forecasted 4.3GW. However, IMS Research noted that module shipment share from First Solar decreased for the fifth consecutive quarter and the gap between it and its crystalline competitors closed further due to limited capacity expansion capability until 2011.
IMS Research also noted that the five largest Chinese module manufacturers (Suntech, Trina, Yingli, Canadian Solar and Solarfun), continued to increase their command of the market and their combined share of global shipments reached 28% in the first quarter.
Total PV module shipments will grow by 60% in 2010, while First Solar is only expected to increase shipments by 20% this year.