據suelo 太陽能報報道,西班牙工業部長在一次會議上通知太陽能協會,所有已安裝的光伏系統根據2007年RD661法案和2008年RD法案,未加追蹤支架的系統將僅能獲得每年1250小時發電FIT補助,
21.07.2010: As reported by Suelo Solar, the Ministry of Industry told to the associations in a meeting that all PV installations, under RD 661/2007 and RD/2008, should receive the feed-in-tariff for only 1,250 hours for installations without trackers and 1,644 for the ones with trackers. Moreover, the tariffs for new installations should sink 65% for ground installations, 25% for on roof plants and 5% for small on roof plants said the minister to the associations. …
21.07.2010: As reported by Suelo Solar, the Ministry of Industry told to the associations in a meeting that all PV installations, under RD 661/2007 and RD/2008, should receive the feed-in-tariff for only 1,250 hours for installations without trackers and 1,644 for the ones with trackers. Moreover, the tariffs for new installations should sink 65% for ground installations, 25% for on roof plants and 5% for small on roof plants said the minister to the associations. …